Geoff Ashley

How Can I Find a New Church?

Finding a new church used to be so easy. You move to a new city and look for the steeple or listen for the bells. Voila, you had yourself a new church. Congratulations! Years later, it wasn't that much harder, you just open the yellow pages to the appropriate section...

Why Do We Practice Household Voting

I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. (1 Timothy 3:14–15) It is no coincidence that...

Jesus Christ and Pagan Parallels

Born of a virgin Hailed as God and man Surrounded by 12 Disciples Performed miraculous deeds Baptized Sacrificed Resurrected Internet sites abound with alleged similarities between the events of the New Testament narrative, in particular the person and work of Jesus...

Are Christmas and Easter Pagan Holidays?

Are Christmas and Easter Pagan Holidays? Did you know that Christmas and Easter have origins rooted in pagan religion?  If you’re like me, you’ve probably been perusing the internet and stumbled across some clickbait headline about the pagan roots of Christian...

Does the Bible Allow for Female Deacons?

Just asking the question about female deacons might raise suspicions. Some might think that the question only arises because of innate chauvinism and misogyny. Of course God is an equal opportunity employer and wouldn't restrict an office of the church on the basis of...

The Importance of Attendance

At the age of 17, my grandfather enlisted in the Army. At the time, the US was embroiled in conflict in Korea. Being underage, he couldn’t enlist without parental permission, but my great-grandmother wasn’t all that keen on her teenaged son going off to war. However,...

What’s In A Name?

What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet… -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet With all due literary respect to Mr. Shakespeare, names are actually quite significant. This is especially true in Scripture. From the initial...

What Is Polity

I once asked a church membership class if anyone knew what polity was. After a long and awkward silence a buddy of mine spoke up and said, “isn’t that what you put on eggs benedict?” As you might imagine, this comment produced an even longer and more awkward silence...